A guest claimed ‘I felt cheated’. Instagram star Melissa Koh’s wedding draws unwanted flak.

So what’s the problem with a grand, opulent, sponsored wedding?

Diving into one of the hottest news of September 2017, popular icon and Instagram sensation, Melissa Koh recently married her childhood friend, James Chen, in a rather stylish wedding that produced some of the most Instagram-worthy pictures for us to ogle at all day long.

However, these pictures weren’t the only thing that sparked conversations and inspired news articles to be written. This wedding created a buzz that is still yet to calm down, which begs the question: Is there really a problem with having a heavily sponsored wedding?

From a report in New Straits Times, one of her friends from University seemed to think so, saying,

I felt cheated. The sponsorships cheapened the wedding, made it insincere, and I felt as though she had made money off me through her wedding.

Others felt as if they didn’t need to give an angpow packet (a small red packet with money given as a gift) to the couple because so many aspects of the wedding had already been sponsored for.

Here’s my take on it. Should we really judge a couple just because they managed to get various brands to sponsor their wedding? My guess is no. If you are a person of ‘influence’ -especially on Instagram or other relevant social media channels with over 232k followers, and brands (that happen to be amazing) are willing to sponsor parts of the wedding for you in return for mentions and tags in your Instagram post -all beautifully and elegantly done, I’m pretty sure most peeps will be cool with that. Yes, it should be mentioned or portrayed appropriately to guests as a courtesy. I think a friend or family who cares for the couple would have given ‘gifts’ or ‘ang pow blessings’ anyways.

You see, in most cases, a wedding that’s heavily sponsored almost guarantees that it will be filled with beautiful things. In Melissa and James’ case, their wedding was decked in dazzling light and opulence that may just blow you away.

wedding - A guest claimed 'I felt cheated'. Instagram star Melissa Koh's wedding draws unwanted flak.

Over 20,000 selected Swarovski crystals were used on the wedding gown, designed by Vaughn Tan.

wedding - A guest claimed 'I felt cheated'. Instagram star Melissa Koh's wedding draws unwanted flak.Artisanal soaps by Sandome Cura.
wedding - A guest claimed 'I felt cheated'. Instagram star Melissa Koh's wedding draws unwanted flak.wedding - A guest claimed 'I felt cheated'. Instagram star Melissa Koh's wedding draws unwanted flak.

Beautiful caligraphy by Poptsie Paper Co.

I mean, if you have the opportunity to have such a beautiful wedding, at minimal cost, why not go for it? Plus, if there’s something in it for everyone who is invited, that’s even better (guests who attended received gifts such as macarons, TWG tea, and artisanal soap).

This wedding has been called insincere, cheap, a cheat, and unoriginal; but it also boasts of a great collaboration between an Influencer and designer brands. I think what we should really focus on is how a collaboration like this was able to put together such a beautiful wedding, which I’m sure will be the subject of conversation in years to come.

Why worry and argue about whether weddings should be sponsored or not, when we can just sit back and enjoy these beautiful photos 🙂

wedding - A guest claimed 'I felt cheated'. Instagram star Melissa Koh's wedding draws unwanted flak. wedding - A guest claimed 'I felt cheated'. Instagram star Melissa Koh's wedding draws unwanted flak. wedding - A guest claimed 'I felt cheated'. Instagram star Melissa Koh's wedding draws unwanted flak. wedding - A guest claimed 'I felt cheated'. Instagram star Melissa Koh's wedding draws unwanted flak. wedding - A guest claimed 'I felt cheated'. Instagram star Melissa Koh's wedding draws unwanted flak. wedding - A guest claimed 'I felt cheated'. Instagram star Melissa Koh's wedding draws unwanted flak. wedding - A guest claimed 'I felt cheated'. Instagram star Melissa Koh's wedding draws unwanted flak. wedding - A guest claimed 'I felt cheated'. Instagram star Melissa Koh's wedding draws unwanted flak. wedding - A guest claimed 'I felt cheated'. Instagram star Melissa Koh's wedding draws unwanted flak. wedding - A guest claimed 'I felt cheated'. Instagram star Melissa Koh's wedding draws unwanted flak.

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