8 Ways To Know He’s The One

Most times, romantic relationships aren’t exactly what you see in the movies. The fireworks won’t last forever, and you want to know, for sure, if your man is the right one for the rest of your life. Here are some factors that can help you see if he’s permanent.

relationships, tips - 8 Ways To Know He's The One

1. He’s Your Best Friend In Everything

You have found that you love spending time with your partner, through thick and through thin. You are able to share your deepest thoughts and he will listen, try his best to understand, and will never judge you for it. He is the one who has taken the place of all your other girl-friends and you want him involved in everything.

2. He Is Honest About Every Detail Of His Life

Your man holds nothing back about his past, personal life, and hopes for the future. He tells you everything there is to know about him and is completely transparent with you. You are able to see him as he truly is without having to be afraid of the unknown.

relationships, tips - 8 Ways To Know He's The One

3. Your Happiness Is His Happiness

You are able to share all your experiences together, especially the happy ones. He knows what makes you happy and tries to do little things every day that make you feel so special. Your happiness gives him joy.

4. You Love More Than You Fight

No couple is perfect, and a healthy relationship only gets better when two people are able to polish each other in instances of friction. Above all the tensions, though, you love each other to no end. There’s nothing you can’t resolve with an unconditional love for each other.

5. He Listens to You and Hears What You Say

Yes, your man has two ears. He hears you and everything you say to him; but more than that, he actually listens to you and understands where you are coming from. He takes the trouble to digest your words and actions and even apologizes for the times he didn’t hear what you said. He wants to know you by listening to you.

6. He Accepts You As You Are Totally and Unreservedly

You have opened your heart to him, with every little dirty detail, and find that he accepts everything that makes you who you are. He doesn’t judge you and doesn’t make you feel small or unappreciated. He loves who you are and what you do, and lets you be you.

7. He Has The Same Plans for Family Life As You

You have spoken to him about your plans for the future -be it with kids, or without kids, and he shares the same hopes as you do. You are able to accept his family, and he is able to accept yours. Your plans for the future are placed in the same direction and you will not go off on different tangents.

8. You Are Still Attracted To Him After Many Years

You still find him attractive after years of dating him. The thought of seeing him still gives you butterflies and fills your heart with excitement. You want him with you, near you, standing by your side through everything. You are still drawn to his heart.

relationships, tips - 8 Ways To Know He's The One

Times and seasons are constantly changing, but love always remains the same. Your hearts may change, too, but your love will remain forever. The only thing that doesn’t change is the fact that everything changes; but it is through these changes that you and your partner can grow together.


See also: Couple Gets Married Despite Hurricane Harvey

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