Husband’s illustration beautifully captures his relationship with wife

Post first appeared on by By Kelsey Borresen
For the last decade, artist Pascal Campion has been capturing life with his wife Katrina in the form of soulful illustrations.

relationships, malaysia, etc, be-inspired - Husband's illustration beautifully captures his relationship with wife

The French-American artist lives in Burbank, California with his wife of 10 years, his 9-year-old daughter and 6-year-old twin boys, all of whom provide plenty of inspiration for his daily sketches. The majority of the illustrations are based on real-life experiences or dramatizations of them.

“The little moments are just as important as the big ones.”

relationships, malaysia, etc, be-inspired - Husband's illustration beautifully captures his relationship with wife

relationships, malaysia, etc, be-inspired - Husband's illustration beautifully captures his relationship with wife

The artist’s family is the inspiration behind much of his work. “The little moments are just as important as the big ones,” Campion, who is an art director on the upcoming Netflix show “Green Eggs and Ham,” told HuffPost.

He has amassed a large following on social media, where many of his fans marvel at his ability to use light to create ambiance and evoke a sense of warmth and love.
relationships, malaysia, etc, be-inspired - Husband's illustration beautifully captures his relationship with wife
relationships, malaysia, etc, be-inspired - Husband's illustration beautifully captures his relationship with wife

Campion described his style to HuffPost as, “Spontaneous and messy in execution but clear in communication.”
relationships, malaysia, etc, be-inspired - Husband's illustration beautifully captures his relationship with wife
relationships, malaysia, etc, be-inspired - Husband's illustration beautifully captures his relationship with wife

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