Victor + Paulina

Although Victor and Paulina is now having their first child, yet our friend from Axioo, Paulus, still remembers capturing their very special day. Take a look below at what Paulus has to say about their very beautiful journey, as well as their very own, signature wedding.

“Just as I was going to blog this, I caught a glimpse of Paulina’s feed on Instagram. In it, she was holding the ultrasound picture of her baby. ‘You have grown from this tiny dot into a strong baby. Kicking, turning and jumping for joy inside my belly. Can’t wait to see you and hold you in my arms,’ she wrote. Their wedding day is still so fresh in my memory, and here they are, about to embark on yet another new journey. The journey of parenthood.”

“On the morning of their wedding, as Paulina was getting ready for her big day, she told me to quickly get the formalities over with so that they can go on to partying faster. This girl has got everything figured out. Life is indeed best spent celebrating with your family and friends.”

Photographer: Axioo

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