Top Painful ‘Jip San Leong’ Games To Make Groom’s Men Cry

wedding, fun, etc - Top Painful 'Jip San Leong' Games To Make Groom's Men CryThe most happening highlights for Chinese weddings are usually during the ‘Jip San Leong’ sessions, or what we name as ‘Fetching the Bride’ session. This tradition for the groom and groom’s men (aka ‘heng tais’) to perform such excruciating challenges given by the bridesmaids are to test the groom’s sincerity and love for the bride.

Behind the sweet smiles of these bridesmaids, lies the creative (and devilishly difficult) Jip San Leong (JSL) games. Testing the groom’s memory or knowledge of the bride, or professing his love with poems only some of the easiest challenges. In this feature, we put together some of the top ‘oh-so-painful’ challenges shared for your future JSL sessions.

Grooms (and heng tais) – get ready to prove yourself worthy!

LEGOS Galore

Definitely the top of the list, we know LEGOs are fun to play with for both kids and adults. What if we say, we can put the LEGOS good use for the JSL challenge? Torment the groom and the groom’s men to walk on thousands of LEGOS. Alternatively, up the ante of push-ups on LEGOs while they show how macho they are.

wedding, fun, etc - Top Painful 'Jip San Leong' Games To Make Groom's Men Crywedding, fun, etc - Top Painful 'Jip San Leong' Games To Make Groom's Men Cry

Wax Off Those Legs and Armpits!

A common game or challenge for the groom is to wax. Waxing legs may be painful, but we recommend to level up the pain by waxing their armpits. You’d be surprised, but it seems that the waxing community put skin on underarms as HIGHLY sensitive, so hair removal under armpits are probably most effective for elevating pain.

wedding, fun, etc - Top Painful 'Jip San Leong' Games To Make Groom's Men Cry

wedding, fun, etc - Top Painful 'Jip San Leong' Games To Make Groom's Men Cry

Wasabi & Cili Padi ~ Oh-my-nose & eyes

Dubbed as one of the meaningful challenges to signify the journey of marriage, the groom and his men are challenged to eating or drinking the ‘4 flavours in marriage life’ ~ i.e. living a sweet, sour, bitter and hot/spicy life together. Here are some ideas particularly for ‘spicing’ up the challenge.

A creative way is not just to eat the wasabi, but to brush their teeth with wasabi. Other concoction of ‘spicy’ flavour with cili padi, jalapeno, tobasco sauce, extra-spicy sriracha, red pepper flakes and etc will also bring tears (of pain and laughter).

wedding, fun, etc - Top Painful 'Jip San Leong' Games To Make Groom's Men Crywedding, fun, etc - Top Painful 'Jip San Leong' Games To Make Groom's Men Cry


Man in Heels (Or Stilettos)

Man in heels is a sight to behold! What more running on one… especially if it’s stilettos! From this challenge, they will truly understand the pain that women have to go through to glam up for their date night. See them tumble and rumble together to get to the bride.

wedding, fun, etc - Top Painful 'Jip San Leong' Games To Make Groom's Men Cry

‘Cleaning’ with Nintendo WII / Nintendo Switch

Get the groom and groom’s men to join in the game of Nintendo Wii or Switch with cleaning the windows, or sweeping the floor, any games that depict the chores of a housewife to give the groom a taste of what goes on behind a clean and tidy household! The pain of an aching body and arm will linger on for days…

These are our top 5 challenges shared by bridesmaid. And surprisingly played by the groom and heng tais without much hesitation. At least we know everyone had a good laugh, joyful and tearful session, without getting hurt in the process.

We welcome more excruciatingly painful JSL games to share on Facebook @signatureweds

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